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Debbie Brown RN, the former founder and clinic owner of “Alternative Hormone Solutions” has come out of retirement.  Debbie specializes in helping women suffering from hormonal imbalances navigate through perimenopause into menopause.  Her goal has always been to EMPOWER through information/support and RESTORATION of energy levels and OPTIMIZE quality of life.

Personal experience with perimenopausal symptoms inspired Debbie to open her clinic.  As she experienced first hand, doctors frequently dismissed symptoms women experience when hormone imbalances occur and often tend to medicate with Birth Control Pills, antidepressants, anti anxiety medications, etc.

Females can suffer from hormonal imbalances right from the onset of menses but most women start noticing changes when they are starting into perimenopause.  Perimenopause can start in your mid thirties and continue through to menopause.  This can be an arduous long journey since the average age of menopause is 52.5 years. Once you have actually reached menopause, it doesn’t necessarily mean symptoms will disappear!

You are not made to suffer.  A natural approach to hormone balancing is what Debbie has advocated for many years.  It could involve supplements, diet suggestions, bioidentical hormones but most of all it involves information.  You have a duty to yourself to be informed and to be the best you can be!  Book a telephone consultation today.



Hormone balance is essential for quality of life.  Hormones can be imbalanced from the onset of a woman’s first period and can continue to be imbalanced throughout perimenopause and into menopause. Perimenopause and menopause are not diseases and should not be treated as such.  However, during this time, hormones change dramatically and when hormones are not at optimal levels, disruptive symptoms can arise.  You don’t have to “Suck it Up Buttercup and it doesn’t mean you have a Prozac deficiency.

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are the three hormones that when out of balance cause the most havoc.  They are made by your ovaries and in much smaller amounts by your adrenal glands.  Estrogen is also produced in fat cells. These are called sex hormones or steroid hormones.



  • Depression / low mood / apathy

  • Hot flashes / night sweats

  • Mood swings

  • Breast tenderness / cystic breasts

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Thickening of the lining of the uterus

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Change in hair (hair loss)

  • Decreased libido

  • Heart palpitations


  • Increased PMS

  • Weight gain

         (particularly in hips, midsection and thighs)

  • Heavier periods

  • Irregular periods

  • Painful periods

  • Bloating

  • Foggy thinking / memory loss

  • Increase in headaches (especially premenstrually)

Hormones need to work in harmony and most often the hormone estrogen, dominates over progesterone.  Why does this happen?  

  1. Women can frequently have ‘Anovulatory' cycles even prior to perimenopause. Cycles can be regular, slightly irregular or very irregular and even absent. Just because you have had a period does not mean you have ovulated. If you don’t release an egg, progesterone is not produced. Estrogen is still being produced and now is dominating. We know that during perimenopause, women can have several anovulatory cycles.

  2. Stress is a contributing partner.  Your bodies response to stress is to produce cortisol in the adrenals.  If you are stressed, your body ‘steals’ pregnenolone, the precursor hormone needed to make progesterone in order to make cortisol.

  3. Poor diet.  Excess estrogen is eliminated in the bowel. A low fiber diet generally results in inadequate bowel movements and if the bowel is not evacuated efficiently, metabolites of estrogen can be reabsorbed.  In addition, a high glycemic diet (high sugar/white flour products/processed food), a diet low in healthy fats, can cause insulin resistance. 

  4. Exogenous Estrogens/Xenoestrogens. These can be either synthetic or natural chemical compounds.  These can be found in products we use everyday in our lives such as plastics, cleaning products, air fresheners, vinyl products, cosmetics, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, some meat, dairy etc.  Additionally, previous use of birth control pills and synthetic hormones are considered an exogenous source.

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